For my project I'm using the Japanese single from the Korean band SHINee called '1000 Years Always by Your Side' I remembered that the music video has a lot of sky and outdoors scenes, thinking about the lost posters I wondered if I could take a scene from the MV (music video) for my poster. I watched the MV all the way through and print screened scenes that interested me, and what I felt I could use.

^^ Above are speakers with the background of just a plain blue sky, at the beginning all you hear is the siren going of with this scene for a few seconds before the music starts. I feel like this is similar to my short film with the alarm clock. With the colour I really like how plain it is, the way that just by using this background the speakers stand out so much. However because of the dull colours and shapes it doesn't pop out at you, which for a poster I guess is what you want it to do. Even if my short film isn't happy, it still needs something on the poster to catch the audiences attention.
^^I only took this screen shot of Minho's clothes because I really liked the olden style, I wouldn't really know how to incorporate this in to my final poster.
^^ Just further scenes that show a large open space with something else in front of it that grabs the watchers attention, in that they know what they have to be focusing on.
^^ This scene is completely different from the rest, the singers blend in with the back rather then stand out as they're both black. I like the idea of things standing out and blending in for my poster? I have of yet not decided how I'm going to do this.
^^ In this scene theres added colour with the balloons, what I like about it is how suttle it is.
^^ Each member is in unison, doing to same pose against a background with many different suttle colours. I think I like the scene for more of the fact of me being a fan of them (my fan girl side is here) but I think it's such a strong site, they're all together.
^^ I knew anyway for my short film that I wanted a black screen with white writing, it's just lucky for me that this music video also has this scene to give you an example of what I want. I've yet to decide if I want another language as I am using a japanese song, however because my short film is set in London..I don't really think it will be appropriate.
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