Thursday, 20 December 2012

Spilt Screen Research

Final cut hadn't worked for a long time on the macs at school and so I had to settle with using 'imovie', it was only recently that I believe it's working again. But this means I have to learn a whole new software. I'm going to look for tutorials to help me use it, however i've also decided to look for videos of spilt screens to look for other possible softwares I could use. If the computers at school can't handle this new software maybe I could bring my laptop into school.

Conveniently today I was watching a Eat Your Kimchi video 'EYK' called 'Video Game Showdown at  a Pulsa Bang!' where they use they use multiple split screens.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Currently (Editing and Audience Review)

It becomes increasingly more apparent to me how ambitious this project is the more I attempt to edit it, I'm finding that even though the idea behind this short film is serious that everything i've filmed seems humorous. I find that when showing the clips I have to my classmates they find it funny, whether this is because some parts are still hideously unedited or my lack of preparation and spontaneous thinking hasn't worked out. Either way at this current time I am unhappy with how my project is turning out, however I feel my project seems more humorous because the clips are long and they're silent making them possibly awkward for people to watch not knowing what to think. Adding audio will more then likely help the feel I was going for, unedited films are intrinsically going to be less impressive.

I have more scenes to film, and so I might approach these in a different way in attempting more technical shots and making them less humorous.